wednesday, January 8th @ 11am-2pm

wednesday, FEBRuary 5th @ 11am-2pm

wednesday, March 5th @ 11am-2pm


(Registration ends at 1:30pm, first come first served- so come early!)

137 Smith Street, Arthur ON N0G 1A0 - Parking on the street or out back.

If you haven’t experienced the Healing Rooms I highly recommend going for prayer. My favorite part was when they asked me about forgiving someone. That moment was so powerful and released me from unforgiveness that I didn’t even know I was holding onto. The presence of the Lord was so strong. I will definitely be back.
— Client

Father’s HEart Healing Ministries are the
IAHR Canadian Healing Rooms Headquarters

This ‘spiritual hospital’ is for those needing healing and freedom in the spirit, soul and body.  Teams are available to release the Father's love through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.  The rooms are set up like a physician's office or walk-in clinic to ensure privacy.  Ministry teams are available during clinic hours to release the presence and power of God for healing of the body, soul and spirit. 

When you first walk through our doors, you will be greeted by a friendly receptionist. They will ask you to sign your name on a sheet as we operate on a first come, first serve basis.  After filling out a short form, a trained prayer team of three or four people will pray over your prayer request form before meeting with you.

When you enter one of our three private rooms, you will be asked to face the cross, where Jesus lifted our burdens.  The team members will take turns to pray for you according to the direction of the Holy Spirit.  It is both positive as well as gentle and prayer is administered with God's love, grace and mercy. 

Our new location @ 137 Smith St., Arthur ON.


Maggie and Eddie Baratto are the Healing Rooms Directors for Canada under the spiritual covering of the International Association of Healing Rooms in Spokane, Washington.  Fathers' Heart Healing Ministries provides leadership, spiritual covering, and administrative support to all of the Healing Rooms across Canada.

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If you would like to become a Healing Rooms volunteer in your area, please go to the IAHR website for contact information.  A Healing Rooms director will be happy to help you through the process.  If you would like to join the Arthur Healing Rooms team, please email us through the Contact page, call us at 519-848-3223 or visit us at 137 Smith Street, Arthur ON.