Oil of Joy - initial contact Form:

This Initial phone call does NOT replace the Intake Form and Pre-Entrance Medical Form. You will be required to submit the proper paperwork before being interviewed and accepted into the Oil of Joy program.

At the beginning of the phone call you may be asked the following questions to see if Oil of Joy is a good fit for you:

  1. Marital Status (single, married, separated, divorced, widowed)

  2. Are you pregnant?

  3. Do you have children living with you?

  4. Are you currently under Doctor or Professional Care?

  5. Do you have any current or active convictions?

  6. Have you been in a rehabilitation program before?

  7. Are you currently receiving any income? (Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, other).

  8. In your own words, why do you want to enter the Oil of Joy program?

  9. How did you hear about Oil of Joy?

  10. Are you requesting the housing portion of the Oil of Joy program? (Depending on your circumstances or our housing availability, you can participate in Oil of Joy while living in your own home.)

If you are in need of emergency help, please call 911.

The submitted information above is subject to the Father's Heart Healing Ministries privacy policy.