March 20, 2020


Click here for video of this prophetic word from our facebook.

During prayer this week, while I was reflecting on the global pandemic, I asked the Lord what He was doing. Immediately, in a vision, I saw a cover being pulled back from across the Nations in the earth and it was highlighting the frailty and vulnerability of humanity. 

It’s no longer business as usual. Routines and schedules are no longer safety nets to rely on. People’s hearts are being revealed. Foundations are being exposed. It’s as though the earth is experiencing a giant ‘trigger’ and all that is hidden within is beginning to rise to the top. Then I saw a vision of a large sickle coming across the earth. Both the tares and the wheat that had been growing together were being harvested. 

And I saw that this is the end of an Era and another Era awaits and it is being positioned right in front of us. 
Just beyond our feet lies a Threshold.
And the Threshold is the transitionary space that gaps this spiritual season with the next. 
And I saw that no flesh could cross over this Threshold. It is a divine work of the Spirit.

Then I heard the Father say, “this is the Time of the Threshold”.

And I began to pray for Canada and I asked- “Lord, what are you doing in Canada?” 
And I saw in the Spirit, the cover that was being pulled back- and it resembled the rolling back of a massive wave of water. This wave was receding and gathering itself into a massive heap as though it were standing tall. The rolling back of this wave was actually revealing the transitionary space located at its base where the ‘cross over’ of the church would transition into this next spiritual season. This Threshold was like a portal/door that had been hidden. 
The rolling back of the water revealed it. As I looked at up into this huge wave of water I saw that there were many deadly snakes leaping within and upon it. I felt this massive wave with many deadly snakes represented the COVID 19 Pandemic.
I saw many in the church focusing on the wave as they began to rebuke the snakes and they were trying to pull them out and kill them and at first it appeared to be a wise and discerning thing to do. But I started to realize this wave and these snakes were actually a distraction to what the Lord was really doing. It reminded me of something the Lord spoke to me several years ago- Don’t take your cues from the enemy rather take your cues from the Holy Spirit. 
In other words- let the Holy Spirit lead you in your responses to what is happening around us. 

Then I saw where the Lord was directing His people to look, it was at the base of the wave 
He said, “To look for the place at the base of the wave”. 
For those who had eyes to see it was in this place that the Threshold was located. This was the secret place/ the transitionary space/ the open portal/door where Jesus was calling His remnant in this hour. 

*I felt to look up the words ‘the base of the wave’ and found that the base of a wave is actually called a ‘trough’. The word trough in Hebrew comes from the same origin of the word ‘manger’ and the words trough and manger are synonymously in the scriptures. 
The manger was the first resting place for the Lord Jesus Luke 2:12- and this will be a sign for you; you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. The other gospels refer to the manger as a trough. 
The manger reminds us how the glory of God shines the brightest in the most lowly and humblest of places. Through this, I believe the Lord is saying that humility/ lowliness and vulnerability is the heart posture required for each one who is to enter this Threshold. 

I understood that as soon as the fullness of remnant crossed over this Threshold space, the wave would be released and this Transitionary space, this portal/this door or Threshold would be closed.  
This is the Kairos time to cross over! The opportune time!
There is such a need for wisdom and discernment in this hour as I saw that no-one could walk over this Threshold in their own ability, it had to be a work of the Spirit. Then I heard the words from Zechariah 4:6- not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. 
I knew that this crossing over would require total surrender. I was thinking how will we cross over- and it was impressed on me that there was only one way to cross over this Threshold and that was: to be carried. 

Asking Lord, what does being carried across this Threshold look like?

Immediately I was reminded of a specific thing that took place on my wedding day. My husband and I had been married earlier that day, we had just left our wedding reception and we were standing in the hallway of a beautiful hotel and were just about to enter our honeymoon suite. My husband had gone ahead and booked a beautiful suite with a Jacuzzi and prepared it with champagne, fruit and chocolates etc. 
As we stood in the hallway dressed in our wedding attire, my husband opened the door with the key and when the door was open, he picked me up and carried me across the Threshold from the hallway into the room. I did not walk into our honeymoon suite, my husband carried me in. And I felt the Lord say- “Maggie, it’s like that. That’s how I want to carry my bride across the Threshold”.

I sense this image of my husband carrying me across the Threshold is a prophetic visual of what Jesus Christ is wanting to do in this hour in Canada. He wants to carry His bride from the place of vows and covenant of a wedding ceremony into the place of consummation and intimacy of a marriage. 
In other words- He wants to take us from the wedding to the marriage. 
The wedding ceremony is the preparation or the prelude to the marriage. 
The marriage represents living as ONE. 

This speaks to the biblical concept of marriage and the ONENESS that we are to walk in with Jesus Christ our bridegroom. Consummation takes place and it means to bring something to completion or to a finish. 

Consummation legitimizes marriage as the 2 become ONE. 
Similarly, in this new Era, the church is about to enter the fullness of her true identity in Christ and will begin to live out her destiny in Jesus Christ. 

“This is the Time of the Threshold!” 

This is the Kairos time to press into the heart of our Father. 
This is the time to abide in Him so that we can respond from a place of rest and confidence in His perfect plans. 

This is the time to trust the Lord Jesus with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding! 
This is the time to yield to the Spirit of God! 
It is a time of divine resting in His promises as He brings to completion all that is in His heart for this season. 
I see that the times of testing in the fires of refinement have prepared the remnant for this Kairos time! The Lord is making a way for His remnant bride to cross over- into her destiny, into the fullness of her inheritance and into the resurrection life of Jesus Christ. 
Her collective crossing over the Threshold will be a work of the Spirit within her and through her! 

Canada, I believe we are in a Joshua season where God is leading His people into a new Era much like He led Joshua and a generation to cross over the Jordan river into the promised land- into their destiny!

God has made a way where there seemed to be no way! He has prepared the way for His remnant bride to come into the fullness of identity and destiny in Jesus Christ. Even now He desires to carry you over the THRESHOLD. 

So, Canada, are you willing to be carried? 
Can you LET Him carry you?
Can you surrender all?
I mean truly surrender every aspect of yourself to Him? 
Will you allow Him to carry you across the Threshold and into a whole new Era!
Are you ready to lean on your beloved as you move from a wedding into a marriage? 
It’s time to be all in- it’s all or nothing. There is no halfway. 
It’s a time to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness- everything else is secondary!

Maggie Baratto

February 2020

"It's Time for New Wine! Healing in the Coming Season"

Cal Pierce, Spokane, WA

New Wineskin

We are definitely in the season that Isaiah prophesied would take place when he wrote chapter 60! Deep darkness is covering the people and the earth. This is not an indication that we, as Believers, should shrink back or look for a rapture to bail us out. The increase of the work of the enemy will always be overcome by a greater increase in God's people.

"Little children, you can be certain that you belong to God and have conquered them, for the One who is living in you is far greater than the one who is in the world." (1 John 4:4 TPT)

God will always position His people to receive an increase of new wine in seasons when we need increase. New wine brings revelation that uncovers or reveals what God is saying to us in new seasons. This revelation is to bring more authority to God's people to overcome the enemy.

The question we must ask ourselves is this: Are we ready to receive the new wine? New wine must be poured into new wineskins. We will lose the new wine if we try to receive it into old wineskins. We are the wineskins that receive the new wine of revelation that increases our light to overcome darkness. 

The old wineskin of the past is not going to receive the new wine of the future. Old wineskins are meant to hold the wine of past seasons. New wineskins will hold the wine necessary to take us through the season to come.

Healing the Whole Man

The new wine revelation that God is pouring out will begin to heal the whole man. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness. In the coming season we will realize that a triune God can occupy and restore a triune man. We will begin to see healing as a process to establish health in our bodies and minds. If we are the temple of God and occupied by God, then the armor of God will extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy. We will realize God's ultimate goal is not healing but what healing produces – a person who isn't sick!

Healing will come by God's power, and health will come by our power. We have to become stewards of the temple of God by walking in health. Our lifestyles will either give us life or take our lives. If we are not to feed wrong things to the spirit man, then also, we are not supposed to feed wrong things to the physical man. God's will is that we prosper in spirit and in body. Redemption is meant to redeem the whole man.

"Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering." (3 John 1:2 TPT)

Walking in prosperity is simply being occupied by God. When God occupies us, the enemy can no longer touch us.

The New Creation Man

The Holy Spirit is raising up new creation men who will prosper in the goodness of God. They will fulfill 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, which says, "Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new. And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to Himself, and given us the ministry of reconciling others to God" (2 Corinthians 5:17-18 TPT).

This Scripture tells us when we come to Christ, old things pass away and all things become new. In other words, the new creation man is not to hang onto the old things but to receive the new things of God. It is interesting that the term new creation means proprietorship of the manufacturer. When we come to Christ, our old nature passes away and we receive the new nature of God by becoming His Body. God, who manufactures or creates us, wants to occupy us to make us the Body of Christ in order to establish His Kingdom on Earth.

The Complete Man

The new creation man will give rise for the complete man to fulfill the will of God on Earth. We see this in Colossians 2:9-10:

"For He is the complete fullness of deity living in human form. And our own completeness is now found in Him. We are completely filled with God as Christ's fullness overflows within us. He is the Head of every kingdom and authority of the universe!" (Colossians 2:9-10 TPT)

The word complete here means replete or to be crammed full. The complete man will be so full of God there won't be room for the enemy. Old things will truly pass away, and only the new things of God will exist. The Word that we read will become the Word that we live. In verse 10 it says that He is the head over His Body with all rule and authority. The complete man and the complete woman will truly become the Body of Christ on Earth. They will walk with His mind and He will direct them. They will live in the all things are possible realm (Mark 9:23).

This complete man will begin to fulfill John 14:12:

"I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows Me in faith, believing in Me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do – even greater miracles than these because I go to be with My Father!" (John 14:12 TPT)

This becomes possible because the complete man is the Body of Jesus, who is our head and seated with God. God sent us the Holy Spirit so we could move in the resurrection power. When we are completely filled with a triune God, it is not we who live, but God who lives in us, and all things become possible.

Living in Truth

The complete man will live in freedom by the knowing of truth. The revelation of truth tells us truth is not a book to read, a verse to memorize or quote. Truth is a person. If you know the truth, the truth will make you free.

"For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives." (John 8:32 TPT)

The reason truth makes us free is because it is the evidence of the Word of God. The Word of God has fulfillment in it, and that is why it is called truth. Jesus is the Word of God fulfilled.

"In the very beginning the Living Expression (the Word) was already there. And the Living Expression was with God, yet fully God. They were together – face-to-face, in the very beginning." (John 1:1-2 TPT)

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Then the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

"And so the Living Expression (the Word) became a man and lived among us!" (John 1:14a TPT)

Jesus was the walking Word. When we get the Word of God in us, it transforms us into His image and likeness. This transformation changes us into the Body of Christ. We become a new creation, truth completes us and makes us free. When the complete man exemplifies the Body of Christ, then he becomes the walking Word on the earth. While our head, who is Jesus, is in Heaven, His Body is on the earth. His Body becomes the fulfillment of His will on Earth as they establish His Kingdom with all authority.

In this season in which darkness is covering the earth, we as Believers must position ourselves to receive increase from God. The darkness foretold by Isaiah is telling us to get ready because our light has come. It is time to arise and shine, and the glory of the Lord will rise upon us (Isaiah 60:1-3). We must set our eyes on things above, not on the troubles of earth. Our source is Jesus, and He is getting us ready to take the final harvest.

"The harvest points to the end of this age, and the harvesters are God's messengers." (Matthew 13:39b TPT)

Your light has come, and it will increase in brightness to overcome the darkness to set the captives free.

Get Ready! 

(Article used by permission: The Passion Translation)

Cal Pierce
Director, Healing Rooms Ministries


Cal Pierce is director of Healing Rooms Ministries. They teach at conferences around the world about the provision Jesus provided in the atonement for our healing, and bring forth the encouraging and enlightened Word of God. Cal is also a member of the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA). Inspired by John G. Lake's healing ministry, Cal Pierce visited Lake's gravesite once each month for over one year to pray. During a 40-day fast in 1999, he heard God say, "There is a time to pray, and a time to move." The Lord was calling him to re-dig the generational wells of healing in Spokane. Cal called in intercessors and began training up healing teams. On July 22, 1999, the Spokane Healing Rooms of John G. Lake were re-opened in the same location they were 80 years ago, and have since moved to two nearby buildings to accommodate the rapid growth of the ministry. The ministry now has an international impact.

December 2019

CANADA- The Destiny of a Nation, moving into 2020

I see an underground movement in Canada that the Father is fuelling - behind the scenes, away from the crowds, an underground railroad has been forged and established through adversity and trial. The tracks for this railroad have been strategically laid in the spirit realm through the intercession, obedience and warfare of several generations. The train of the Father’s mercy is being released to sweep many souls into the Kingdom.

The Father’s remnant army has been hidden in ‘the caves of difficult circumstances’ for many wilderness seasons... where the Father has been working to mold and transform them into the image of Jesus Christ. 

The Father is now releasing these hidden ones, these humble ones, His obedient sons and daughters – they are ascending to the Father’s right hand, seated in Christ. 

These ones carry His heartbeat, they are His ‘ace in the hole’.  They carry His strategies, His authority and their desire is to do only what pleases the Father – and they know what pleases the Father is for Him to be one with His sons and daughters! 

This remnant army, these leaders are emerging in a suddenly moment, in the spirit and power of Elijah. They are a new wineskin, overflowing with the new wine for this 2020 era! 

And they have been commissioned to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. They are commissioned to release a Fathering movement in Canada!  

And this new wineskin has been designed and equipped to carry and release destinies. They will stir up a cry within the bride to do what she was born to do! They are destiny releasers and will walk in the Glory of the Father’s goodness and kindness, carrying an anointing and an authority to release peoples, cities, regions and nations into the plans and purposes of the Father.

The Father’s goodness and kindness is about to explode from within Canada and onto the world stage! HE IS A GOOD, GOOD FATHER!

This Apostolic government that is rising in Canada carries both a mantle for government and a mantle for war. I see that they will rightly govern the affairs of the Father’s Kingdom in authority and the fear of the Lord. I see a toppling and a falling away of the old wineskin and a souring of the old wine. 

I see the Father is so pleased to have raised up the least likely, and to set them into their destinies! 

Canada, this is the year to find your place, to find your lane and to be fitted properly within the Global Body. 

The train is leaving the station - I see the train of the Father’s mercy rushing towards the harvest because the doors of the Harvest fields are being flung open wide, the underground railroad, the apostolic system is the Father’s strategy to receive the harvest. 

It’s on course, it’s on track and its right on time! The labourers, the provision, the resources are being assembled and equipped to function in their rightful places and spaces within the Kingdom. The Spirit of God is brooding and birthing and sweeping into the darkest places compelling the lost, the wayward and the prodigals to jump on board His mercy train. 

Earlier this year I saw a vision of Jesus standing in the streets of Canada. He was calling out, “I’m in the streets, I’m in the streets”. He is standing with the broken, the addicted, the homeless, the lost, the drug dealers, the pimps, the incarcerated, the sex trafficked, the sex trade workers and the mentally ill - and He’s looking at me (at the church) and He says: “Prepare a place for me to come and be received, because when you receive them, you receive Me.” 

There is a missionary movement coming to Canada. It’s coming! It’s on the horizon! And I see the harvest coming in droves! There needs to be a re-focus in the body of Christ on missions; a heart to bring in the lost and give bread to the hungry. A heart to set captives free and the Lord says: “Prepare to receive the harvest, raise up and release the harvesters for the harvest.”  Amen

Maggie Baratto
FHHM Director

September 2019

word for canada/ decrees over canada!

Maggie Baratto - FHHM Director

WORD for Canada:  As we move into 2020, I can see an underground movement in Canada that the Father is fuelling- behind the scenes/away from the crowds.

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An underground railroad that has been forged and established through adversity and trial. The tracks for this railroad have been strategically laid in the spirit realm through intercession, obedience and warfare. 

The train of the Father’s mercy is now being released onto the tracks to sweep many souls into the Kingdom.

The Father’s remnant army have been hidden in ‘the caves of difficult circumstances’ for many wilderness seasons… being molding and transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. 

The Father is now releasing these hidden ones/ these humble ones- these obedient sons and daughters.

These ones carry His heartbeat- they are His ‘ace in the hole’, they carry His strategies, His authority and their desire is to do only what pleases the Father – 

I see these Leaders emerging in a suddenly moment, in the spirit and power of Elijah- they are a new wineskin- overflowing with the new wine for this 2020 Era! 

They have been commissioned to release a Fathering movement in Canada!  

And I see these new wineskin have been designed and equipped to carry and release destinies. They will stir up a cry within the church to do what she was born to do! They are Destiny re-leasers and will walk in the Glory of the Father’s goodness and kindness, carrying an anointing and an authority to release peoples, cities, regions and nations into the plans and purposes of the Father. 

The Father’s goodness and kindness is about to explode from within Canada and onto the world stage! 

The Apostolic government that is rising in Canada carries both a mantle for government and a mantle for war and I see that they will rightly govern the affairs of the Father’s Kingdom in authority and the fear of the Lord. 

I see a toppling and a falling away of the old wineskin and a souring of the old wine. The Father is so pleased to have raised up the least likely and to set them into their destinies! 

Canada, this is the year to find your place, to find your lane and to be fitted properly within the Global Body!

The Train is leaving the station, the Train of the Father’s mercy rushing towards the harvest/because the doors of the Harvest fields are being flung open wide- 

It’s on course, it’s on track and its right on time! 

The laborers, the provision, the resources are being assembled and equipped to function in their rightful places and spaces within the Kingdom. 

The Spirit of God is sweeping into the darkest places compelling the lost, the wayward and the prodigals back to the Father’s bosom.


Say it- bring the hammer down and seal it with the gavel!  

I decree- that a movement of Fathering is being released in Canada! SEALED

I decree- that Resurrection Power is being released through the Canadian bride as she begins to merge with the Lion of Judah! SEALED

I decree- that the Cry of Intercession in Canada is being transformed into a ROAR of Justice SEALED
I decree- the Apostolic government in Canada is emerging as a new wineskin-to lead, to equip and to disciple. These Apostolic mothers and fathers will rightly represent the Father-heart of God and the hearts of many orphans will be transformed into the hearts of sons and daughters! SEALED

I decree –that an army of labourers are being sent into harvest fields! The Father’s strategies and resources to receive the harvest will no longer be delayed! SEALED

I decree-  Canada! This is the appointed time for you to walk in your GOD given Identity as a Healer to the Nations! SEALED

I decree- that the voice of the Father is rising up from out of Canada to usher Nations into their destiny! SEALED

I decree- over the body of Christ in Canada- No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgement you shall condemn. SEALED


September 2019


I asked the Father what He was doing with the International Healing Rooms Ministry a couple days prior to the September 2019 Summit. I received the following word within a vision. (I have received permission to release this word from IAHR leadership).

In the Spirit, I saw the International Healing Rooms Ministry laid out before me and I knew by revelation that this ministry was 'a foundational work' of the Spirit.  Over the course of many years it had been built and established through fiery trials, it had been forged through seasons of dryness and drought with alternate seasons of rain. 

This 'foundational work' had been tried through the furnace of affliction, tested through adversity and sifted by the Word of God… to render it complete! This ‘foundational work’ has come forth like gold! 

I heard the Lord say, “The foundational work of International Healing Rooms Ministry is the beginning of a new work that I am doing in the earth. It is not the new thing, but it is the foundation with which I will anchor and build and hold up the new thing that I am building.”

This foundation had stretched far and wide across the earth, that it had ‘prepared the way’ for apostolic leaders to be raised up.  It had ‘prepared the way’ for an apostolic army to be birthed and formed behind the scenes. 

I heard a declaration in the Spirit - The foundation is complete! The preparation is complete! Now it’s time to build! 

I heard the Father say, “This foundation has ‘prepared a place’ for My Spirit to dwell, for My Spirit is brooding and is about to overshadow sons and daughters who will birth and launch new plans and purposes of mine that will be anchored and held up by this foundation!”

Then I was reminded that Spokane Washington (the birth place for the Healing Rooms Ministry) was the place for the original ‘Father’s Day’ holiday to be birthed in the natural and the Lord impressed upon me that the Healing Rooms Ministry would be a place for the Father’s heart to be released.

The Father is beginning to infuse a greater aspect of His Heart into this foundation so that everything that would be built upon it, will beat in rhythm with who He is and what He is doing! The following portion of scripture was impressed upon me - only those who do the will of My Father will enter into the Kingdom. 

The vision became clearer as I saw the foundation of the International Healing Rooms Ministry stretched out across the earth.  It was gold in colour.  In this season, it was being infused with the heartbeat of the Father.  The entire foundation was beginning to pulsate and throb with the heartbeat of the Father. One heartbeat. 

Then, I saw several large pillars being placed and positioned and established upon this foundation. These pillars were load-bearing and made of solid pearl. I immediately understood that these pillars of pearl represented the 5-fold ministry offices. They were being positioned to stand and be anchored in the foundation, to give form and structure to the new thing that was being built. 

Many walls, rooms, floors and ceilings were being erected and built up. This new build was pulsating in unity with the rhythm of the Father’ heartbeat that originated from the foundation.  The walls and rooms and floors represented various ministries, businesses and organizations that were being birthed by the Spirit through the church of Jesus Christ. 

The new ministries, gifts, businesses and outreaches, etc. being birthed, would walk, talk, sound, and look like the Father and operate in a Kingdom culture.  The body of Jesus Christ was beating in unison with the Father’s heart and working together to reveal, to demonstrate and to release the Father-heart of God. 

I believe we are entering into a new era in the International Healing Rooms Ministry. An era of building on the foundation that has been prepared and is complete. Just like in the natural realm when it’s a new phase of building (you are no longer laying a foundation of cement and rebar) there is a need for the delivery of new materials, new tools and new labourers. 

There is a need for labourers with different skills and gifting to build upon the foundation that has been made ready. 

DECLARATION: It’s time for a movement of the Father!  The heart of the Father is being arrayed and displayed and conveyed through the manifold wisdom and authority of Apostolic mothers and fathers in the earth! Sons and daughters who will rightly represent the Father-heart of God, being about their Father’s business and setting in place His ways, His order and aligning themselves to His will.


Maggie Baratto

IAHR Canada, National Director

September 2019

The Cinderella Slipper and the ROAR of the Lioness!

Maggie Baratto - FHHM Director

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Recently, the Lord impressed upon me the Cinderella story. 
I was focused on the part in the story where Cinderella lost her glass slipper and the prince’s servant was sent out to find the rightful owner of the ‘slipper’ as a way of identifying the princes beloved. He did this by trying the slipper on the feet of all the women in the land. 
In the story, as soon as the servant put the slipper on the foot of Cinderella- it fit her perfectly and her true identity was sealed and revealed!
In a suddenly moment, her true identity was revealed as the prince’s beloved! 

The Lord impressed upon me that today there is a similar thing happening to the women in the body of Christ - the Holy Spirit is going out into all the land to seal and reveal the true identity of the beloved of Jesus Christ. Especially those who have been struggling in who they are and what they are called to do. 
The Holy Spirit is bringing the glass slipper back to its rightful owner because ‘the right shoe can totally change your life!’ 

In a vision- I saw the Holy Spirit begin to visit women in this season, to release to them their true Identity as the bride of Jesus Christ/ the Father’s daughters! And I heard the Lord say- Identity is being restored and it will become clear! You will no longer wonder who you are! You will know your identity as the princes’ beloved, as the Father’s daughters! You will no longer be tossed to and fro. You will be anchored in knowing who you are. You will walk like, talk like, look like and act like a daughter! 

Rise up mighty warriors for you carry a mandate for war! You are perfectly designed and equipped for such a time as this!’
And I saw that these glass shoes weren’t normal shoes- they’re dancing shoes and as soon as the shoe slipped into place- I saw the women rise up and begin to dance on the head of injustice! 

And just like in the book of Joshua I saw their feet being postioned on the neck of their enemies. The women began dance on their enemies including, the enemies of intimidation and fear of man and rejection and poverty and jealousy etc. 
And I saw this dance was a warrior dance, a victory dance. And then I saw the dance begin to transform into a processional! A processional through the streets!

And I saw the women dancing through the streets of their cities and regions and nations and they began strategically pulling down strongholds and demolishing the works of the enemy! 

And then I could hear the ROAR of a lioness begin to rise up within them as they began to ROAR with the Lion of Judah! And I saw that they were taking their place as Mothers in the body of Christ. Mothers over cities, mothers over regions and mothers over nations! 
These women were releasing the Mothering aspect of the Father’s Heart and their ROAR was releasing the Fathering aspect of the Father’s Heart. And I saw that these mothers were the key to releasing the fullness of the Father’s heart into the earth- because it's the movement of Mothering that will release the movement of Fathering! 

And I could hear them as they began to ROAR over cities and ROAR over regions and ROAR over Nations.

Behold I do a new thing says the Lord!
Behold the ROAR of the Lion of Judah! 
Behold the ROAR of the Lioness! 

Maggie Baratto


Prophetic word and vision fo the Body of Christ in Edmonton, Alberta and Canada! “Jesus is in the streets! Prepare to receive the Harvest” “God will split the rock for you! Walls becoming wells!” (Feb. 1, 2019)

Prophetic word and vision fo the Body of Christ in Edmonton, Alberta and Canada! “Jesus is in the streets! Prepare to receive the Harvest” “God will split the rock for you! Walls becoming wells!” (Feb. 1, 2019)

The Father is Commissioning His “Joan of Arcs” in Canada! The Warrior Women are rising! (Feb. 25, 2019)

The Father is Commissioning His “Joan of Arcs” in Canada! The Warrior Women are rising! (Feb. 25, 2019)

MAY 2018

Earlier this year, the Lord spoke to me: 

Maggie Baratto - FHHM Director

“This is the season to begin releasing the ROAR of the Lioness."

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I asked the Lord: What is the ROAR? 

He says: the ROAR is the spirit of Elijah, calling forth the full 'Restoration Of Apostolic Reformation!' (acronym ROAR) 

The Father is signaling the perfect timing to release the ROAR, in response to the intercessory cries of injustice.

And in a spiritual vision I saw women of God rising as 'mothers' in the body of Christ, joining together corporately in the spirit of Elijah and they transformed into Lionesses and began to ROAR over cities and ROAR over nations!

The movement of Mothering is releasing the movement of Fathering! (mothering and fathering together representing the Fatherheart of God).

The ROAR of the Lioness “calls” the male Lion to take his place- to defend and protect his territory! 

With the movement of Fathering, we will see restoration of Apostolic authority, the Fear of the Lord, justice, protection and provision operating once again in the church of Jesus Christ. The church will walk in the Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ! 

A New Season is breaking open in Canada! Rise up church and get your ROAR on! We are about to step into a “movement of the Father!”

December 2017

2018 Behold I Am Doing A New Thing Says The Lord!

Maggie Baratto - National Director, Healing Rooms for Canada

Do not remember the former things, or ponder the things of the past. “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing,
Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it?
I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.

 Isaiah 43:18-19

I see “the turning of the tide” and a shifting of gears- a momentum is being created and sustained by the Spirit of God.  I see the Spirit of God undergirding many who have felt weak and helpless in the past season. An undergirding with strength and encouragement that will instil courage and boldness to declare the word of the Lord. I see fulfillment of many promises and I see dreams coming true in this season. Resurrection Power- it’s the stuff dreams are made of! It’s the power for miracles, signs and wonders!

And I see a great company of God’s people gathering together to proclaim and testify of the great miracles they have seen God perform on their behalf.

I see the fulfillment of many hopes. Our Father is on the move- and He is moving into the spaces and places we have prepared for Him in the past seasons.

He has increased our capacity to receive more- and this is the time to receive more. More of His glory and His presence. He is manifesting His glory in ways that will have the enemy utterly shell shocked!

(Shell shock is a phrase that describes the type of posttraumatic stress disorder many soldiers were afflicted with during the war. It is reaction to the intensity of the bombardment and fighting that produced a helplessness appearing variously as panic and being scared, or flight, an inability to reason, sleep, walk or talk- Wikipedia)

It will be an unusual season and unusual things will occur in the body of Christ- this is the hour of “a great reckoning” and I see a tsunami coming called “Restoration” and it contains within its wave many things that have been lost- they are about to be deposited into the lives of their original owners.  It’s like heaven’s “lost and found department” is being activated and cleared out. What has been lost will be found in this season. I see many unfulfilled promises sitting on the horizon and today they are being activated for fulfillment. Promises fulfilled are being swept into the lives of those who have contended for them.  Impossibilities are being made possible!

I see that many of God’s people have lost heart during the contending and some have walked away from these promises- but God has not forgotten; He remembers and will bring to you the desires of your heart. His kindness will breakthrough and lift up the discouraged and the disheartened warriors. 

I see a fresh wave of God’s grace sweeping across our land and with it is coming a loosening and a washing away of sharp “prickly” thorns that were once embedded deep into hearts and minds.  The “prickles” have wounded and impeded the flow of the Spirit 

in the past but now they are shrivelling up and are dying.  With the removal of these thorns- comes an ease for greater unity within the body of Christ.

Fiery trials and crisis have led many in the body to the place of humility, desperation and brokenness and they have laid it all down for the Kingdom of God- they have become wholehearted in their journey with God.  And now the Father is coming to those ones and casting upon them a new Mantle – a fresh anointing of grace and power to run the race before them- they are the Apostolic warriors who are entering into new lands and new territory for there is much to prepare and much to do as many souls hang in the balance. This is the hour of harvesting and reaping and casting down and raising up!

I see the eyes of these Apostolic warriors being cleansed and anointed with wisdom and discernment to “see” clearly the vision and task at hand.

Provision is sweeping in and being deposited into the hands of those with wisdom and the grace to steward great wealth. And none shall lack because the Apostolic anointing will be present to distribute provision as it is needed.

I see a large number of prodigals returning to the church. They are coming as a great force, a reckoning and a resolve to storm the gates of hell and bring many souls into the kingdom of God. Their hearts are on fire with the Father’s love and resolve. They’re presence will infuse strength and hope into the rest of the body of Christ. They are unstoppable and unrelenting in their assaults to take back from the enemy all that has been stolen from themselves and their generations.

Giants of the Faith are rising up and they can be described as ones who walk in the authority and the spirit of Elijah. They are preparing the way!

A voice of one is calling out, “Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness, remove the obstacles; Make straight and smooth in the desert a highway for our God.” Isaiah 40:3

Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.  He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers [a reconciliation produced by repentance], so that I will not come and strike the land with a curse [of complete destruction].” Malachi 4:5-6.

I hear the Voice of God speak through them to confront and cast down the false/profane and establish and build what is true/holy. They prepare and break through to propel and release others in the body of Christ into their true identity and destiny. They speak with boldness as miraculous signs and wonders follow them. I see the fear of man drowning as the fear of the Lord rises up in the hearts of these true Apostolic fathers and mothers. Sons and daughters are rising up!

2018 will be a year of taking and establishing new territory for the Kingdom of God. An Apostolic army is being mobilized! We are moving beyond the breakthrough in this season. There is no turning back! The land before us is ripe and ready for our feet to enter in! We are made for this! Let the mighty take-over begin!

Wow this is good!


Maggie Baratto

IAHR Canada, National Director


A Great Army Arising in Canada

Vanessa Belanger - National Administrator, Healing Rooms for Canada

Healing Rooms, part of a great army arising in Canada. 

A few months ago at a women’s retreat I heard the Lord say in a powerful voice, “there’s rumbling in the desert”.  From an aerial view I saw a desert and there was a group of people marching in order, kicking up the sand and dust, marching away from the mountain they had been marching around.  I asked the Lord, “What is this rumbling I hear?”.  He said, “It is the apostolic-led army coming out of the desert for such a time as this.  They have not been lost, but I have hidden  them.  Now is the time for them to come out of the desert and into the promised land.”

For the past few weeks I keep seeing a recurring vision.  There is a mass army marching before the throne of God.  I can not see the face of God, but I can see the bottom half of Him sitting on His throne.  The mass of people are strategically divided into groups.  Each group consists of rows of people and the rows make up square sections.  There are thousands of these square sections. At the front, the leader is carrying a flag that indicates what that group is anointed to do.  Our group’s flag says “Mental Health”.  We are anointed to bring God’s mental health to the earth.  

What sticks out to me the most is the determination of those marching. They all face front, moving towards the territory God is giving them, but when they pass by His throne, their heads turn and their allegiance is confirmed.  They are lay-people, skillfully trained people and to the world, unsuspecting people, all called to work together. 

As an Administrator, my passion is to see God’s people move into new territory with ease, protection and clarity of purpose.  These visions cause me to ask the Lord, “How is it that this army marches in total unity?  How do they know when to turn their heads? Where are they going and how will they get there in the most efficient and safest way?  How are they communicating so proficiently with one another while keeping God’s desire at the centre of what they say and do?”

In the Healing Rooms for Canada, unity and communication has been expressed through guidelines, protocols, and an emphasis on following the IAHR model.  God has given Canada wisdom on how to be united in the way we minister while still enjoying the freedom of being unique.

God has been showing me more and more over the years, that to administer is to govern and to govern with Kingdom purpose is to establish His culture.  So, what is the culture God wants to create through the Healing Rooms?

As a movement of God that relies on the leading of the Holy Spirit, it in itself is a new culture, a new way of doing life.  So often, we rely on what the world says, what the doctors diagnose, what the “experts”, media and politicians say.  Our clients stand before us and are looking to us, the front-line Healing Rooms volunteers, to bring God’s clarity and promises into their situation.

When they leave feeling encouraged, loved and hopeful because of the supernatural power of this Holy Spirit led ministry, a kingdom culture within that person is established.

My prayer for the Healing Rooms across Canada is that we will march in unity seen in the vision God has given.  That we will know when to look forward, when to turn our heads and confirm our allegiance to the Father and for us to receive the banner that flows over us, the anointing for mental health.


Vanessa Belanger

IAHR Canada, National Administrator


June 2017



Today, the favour of God is resting upon you.

Today, the strongholds of shame and hopelessness are being uprooted and removed from your generations.

Today, honour is being restored to your Identity and Destiny as mighty women of valour

Today, I see you rising up from the ashes of death and destruction to birth beauty and life!

Today, I see the spirit of death falling off of you, like an old rag that has weighed heavily upon your shoulders and in its place a mantle of governmental authority is shining through

Today, you are unhindered! Today, you are unstoppable! Today, your mourning will turn to dancing and your sorrow will turn to Joy!

Today, I see your feet transform into hind’s feet as you walk upon the high places

Today, I see you dance upon the heads of injustice and violence and poverty and from your feet- from your dance comes a breaker anointing releasing the Glory of God from the Nations- to the Nations!

Today, your voice will be heard.

Today, your words will break forth like the roar of a Lioness.

A mighty warrior among your people.

Today, the enemy’s assignment of death and destruction is being cut and severed from your lives as you step up, onto your new platform of Hope and Healing.

Today, you will be encountered with the Father’s plans for your destiny!

Today, the curse of death and destruction has left you and the Father’s blessings are flowing upon you.

Today, I declare and I decree that you will prosper and thrive and help lead the body of Christ into a new season, a new era of Apostolic Governance!

“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old.

Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?

I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.

The beast of the field will honour Me, The jackals and the ostriches,

Because I give waters in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert,

To give drink to My people, My chosen. Is 43: 18-20

And your Heavenly Father says:

Today I chose you- you didn’t choose me but I chose you so that you would produce much fruit.

You will be fruitful- and your fruit will remain.

From out of your greatest struggles you will arise into your greatest victories!

Your identity as daughters will strengthen and flow into your destiny as mothers- mothers over lands and mothers over cities and mothers over nations!

Today, the table has been turned in your favour.

Rest says the Lord, as I make your enemies a footstool for your feet, look and see that I have prepared a table before you in the presence of your enemies!

You are warriors and daughters of the King!

It’s time to seal this word by cutting and severing the assignment of the enemy-

It’s time to CUT and SEVER the black ribbon! AMEN.

Maggie Baratto

Father’s Heart Healing Ministries



I see many workers in the harvest fields and they’ve been labouring all day in the hot sun and they’re getting tired and they’re knees are getting weak as they thrust heavy wooden sickles into the harvest fields. 

Suddenly the labourers turn their faces upward as they hear a new sound coming towards them from the heavens. It’s the sound of a mighty wind- and as they look up … they can see that this wind has the fire of resurrection life burning within it-It is a wind of Authority----it’s the wind of APOSTOLIC GOVERNANCE and its blowing upon them!

And I can see that this Wind has been held back and reserved for this time and this generation and this season! 

And I see this great wind of fire whirling around the labourers- stripping off the weariness and depositing great strength…and I see this wind suddenly set fire to their wooden sickles and transform them into sickles of gold and sickles of fire! 

I see that this Wind has come up through the ages to release the dreams and the plans and the mantles and the callings and the gifting that have been misunderstood, aborted and cast aside by past generations- and I see that there’s a re-distribution and a re-ordering of the moves and works of the Spirit upon the labourers … to bring forth the Father’s dreams and plans - that have yet to be accomplished. 

To the forerunners in the church of Canada:- enter into your finest hour- you are shifting into a new era–  a leap into the miraculous—into the ease of harvesting under the power of the Holy Spirit- under Godly authority, under His Glory! I see the labourers are filled with peace and joy and laughter as their sickles become alive in their hands! The harvest is ripe and ready – The sickles have been prepared for this new season! 

God is releasing the wind of Apostolic Governance – to release a generation into destiny!

Maggie Baratto

Father’s Heart Healing Ministries



Canada! Here comes the Spirit of Elijah! (a now word for Canada)

Canada! Here comes the Spirit of Elijah! 

The prophetic declaratory voice of God is gaining strength. 

Canada, I declare that prophetic declarations and divine decrees are being released to saturate your atmosphere and your land with His promises for destiny! 

I decree that His word will not return void but will accomplish all that He purposed for it to accomplish.

I see mantles falling from the shoulders of past revivalists and former spiritual movements and I see mantles from commanders and generals from days gone by and they are being picked up by the Spirit of God and being placed upon the shoulders of the least likely all across this Nation!      

God says that He is visiting the least likely people in the least likely places across Canada! 

I see the dust coming off those mantles and I see a revival of boldness in the Holy Ghost! 

Boldness and the ‘fear of the Lord’ is returning to take front and centre stage in the hearts of Canadian Christians. All other fears are being swallowed up as the Father’s perfect love manifests through His sons and daughters throughout Canada! They are unstoppable! 

A new breed is crying out- the cross is enough, the cross is enough! 

The person of Jesus Christ- the work of Jesus Christ is enough! He is the complete package!

The gospel is not complicated! It is simple and it is powerful and it is all that we need! 

The Lord will no longer tolerate those who would add to the simplicity of the gospel with their own ideas and works of the flesh!

Man-made ministries that have not been birthed out of the Spirit of God will fall in this season! No more grey areas!

No compromise. Unity does not mean compromise. 

Truth is truth and the lies are being exposed and cast down.

The Holy Spirt, the spirit of truth has been given to us to release revelations of the person and finished work of Jesus Christ. 

There is a call going out across our Nation- a call to be Hot! No more lukewarm or carnal or self-sufficient or worldly or secular!

We are being called to be Hot! We are not called to partner with the world, we are called to lead the world!     

If you’re going to be HOT then be HOT!

If you’re going to be the salt, then be the salt!   

It’s a call to revival- a call to destiny!        

There is a movement of the Father being released across this Nation.

The Father is being unveiled and revealed through His sons and daughters! 

It is in the presence of the Father that we become whole! 

This is the hour for your God given identity and destiny to become as one.

Rise up sons and daughters and receive the Nations for your inheritance!


Maggie Baratto

Father’s Heart Healing Ministries

June 2017 


January 2017

Prophetic Word for the New Year, 2017
Prophetic Word for the Season We are Stepping Into:

In 3 Parts

 Part #1. The God of Order

       I was impressed to read the story of Solomon and how the Queen of Sheba visited and was amazed at His wisdom and the order she saw in Solomon’s house and in the house of his servants. As I read, I saw a rising up of leaders in Canada who possessed this gift of wisdom to discern, organize and set people and places and things into proper order- according to the blueprint of God’s divine order.  The key words were discernment and wisdom.

The God of order is taking front and centre stage in people’s lives, homes, businesses and ministries. The plumb-line has already been set into place but now the mobilization/ the shifting towards that plumb-line is happening- disorder is being displaced with order and misaligned situations, circumstances and relationships are being aligned according to the Father’s will. A season of straightening out is in effect and will yield the fruit of righteousness, peace and joy.

The Queen of Sheba represents the world system- that is coming to see and take note of what’s happening in the Kingdom of God. Leaders from the world system will be amazed and overwhelmed at the wisdom and order in the lives, relationships, ministries and businesses of those who stand firm in Christ. They will be in awe of the obvious favour and blessing of God upon the ones who possess divine wisdom, discernment and strategy to prosper. Even as the Queen of Sheba blessed Solomon, so shall these leaders be compelled to bless the work of the Lord.


Part #2: A Mighty Untangling

I see a mighty untangling taking place in the spirit.  I see a large mass called Confusion.

This mass is riddles with questions and accusations and speculation and slander and misunderstandings--- this mass of Confusion has distorted the truth and caused massive division in relationships.

Today- in this season- I see this mass called Confusion is being laid out before the Lord and the spirit of Truth- is being released into its core. The injection of truth will first untangle and then transform this big mess into a powerful message of reconciliation and restoration. God is bringing order into relationships that are meant to be aligned and fitted into divine order for His Glory.

 I am amazed because I personally am experiencing healing in relationships that I had given up on where the enemy had gained a foothold and brought so much confusion, misunderstanding and slander and distortion to the truth. God is going to be dealing with and healing past relationships- ----in a suddenly moment!


Father we take you at your word today and we receive it for ourselves. We believe you are able to bring truth into the mass of confusion within our own lives. We invite your Holy Spirit to bring revelation and truth to relationships that we are struggling with. We invite you and give you permission to heal and restore those relationships that have been severed, strained or estranged in our life. You know what is needed and we trust in your goodness. We release it into your hands and we thank you for your kindness towards us.

In Jesus’ name.


Part #3: Re-Mantling & A New Outfitting

I had a vision of a young girl wearing clothes that are too small. She had outgrown them, pants too short and shirt too tight- shoes too small.

Her arms and legs and body were splitting out of her old clothes.

Its time for a new wardrobe- time for new garments- its time for a new mantle.

But first you have to remove the old garments…and I saw for some it may be difficult to remove your favourite shirt.

In removing the old clothing/the old mantle you might even feel vulnerable and naked—but the old has to come off so that the new garments/ the new mantle can be put on.

*Who is this who cometh up out of the wilderness leaning upon her beloved?

I see that it’s the Lion of Judah rising up out of Canadian soil

Canada, I speak a word of re-mantling over you today- that you would allow yourself to be released from the garments, the equipment of the old season and be willing for the Holy Spirit to outfit you with the new clothing- the new mantle –the new things Father God has for you to wear and carry this season. May you step into the person of Jesus Christ in a deeper way and be clothed with the New man in Christ.

Happy New Year!


Maggie Baratto
Co-Founder FHHM & National Healing Rooms Director


November 2015

Vision for the Army called “Breakthrough”

The Canadian army of intercessors and warriors has risen up and they are standing on their feet. They are being equipped and mobilized and deployed in this hour- they are being released to take enemy territory by force.  Their motivation is the Father’s Love- their weapons are not carnal but mighty for the taking down of strongholds.  Their weapons of warfare are being stirred up to be released, they are powerful gifts given by the Spirit -for such a time as this.

The Lion of Judah goes before them- His roar leads the way.   As they move forward they are in total unity.   In step with one another; preferring and honouring one another.   As they reach the threshold of enemy territory, they survey the thorn fields of captives stretched out before them…a holy fierceness begins to consume them, pulsating through their hearts and their entire being.  The Father’s love consumes them!

They are here for the plunder that lies in these fields-  they are here to reap a harvest of souls.  The fields are shrouded in strongholds and principalities that are readily visible to the eyes of this army.  These strongholds and principalities will need to be pulled down. Heavy chains and ropes keep the captives bound and will need to be broken from them.

The army can see that not only do the captives have chains on the outside but they also carry chains on the inside; their minds are bound up and distorted from the weight of the chains.  Their emotions full of bleeding sores.  Multitudes of demonic beings lingered throughout the fields, mocking and tormenting the captives- they are so focused on their captives that they cannot see this army approaching. The captives don’t see the army either. They lie in the fields with thorns prickling from every side; groaning and crying out for anyone to help them escape the pain and the suffering they are enduring.

The Lion of Judah is at the head of the army- He is their leader, their commander and chief, the mighty warrior- the Lord of the Breakthrough!  The Army has fixed their eyes upon Him.  They await His orders.  His Roar intensifies and increases!  It's time for breakthrough---Weapons of warfare begin to manifest as the Army receives revelation and divine strategy for warfare.  The sword of the Spirit appears in the mouths of this great army, and they begin to move forward, wielding these swords with a mighty force—cutting through every lie and every deception with declarations and decrees! 

Suddenly, the gates to these fields begin to swing wide open.  It’s time, it’s time to go into this new harvest field --- to break the chains of sexual slavery.  It’s time to set the Captives free!  It’s time for breakthrough, It's time for victory,  It’s time for war!


January 23, 2015

Body of Christ in Canada - Welcome to the season of breakthrough!

This is the season where all the dots are connecting and everything will begin to fall into place. The prophetic and apostolic are merging into one and spiritual authority is being released in greater measure as the church begins to seat herself in the heavenly places - at the Father's right hand!

Its time to breakthrough into victory, into rest and into destiny!

But to you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. On the day when I act, you will tread upon the wicked as if they were dust under your feet, says the Lord of Heaven's armies. Malachi 4:2-3


September 12, 2014

We are moving and shifting from a time of plowing and pioneering into a time of breakthrough.  This season requires new weapons/tools and a new mindset.  Holy Spirit is here to release what is needed to move forward.

We are standing on Holy ground! Canada is Holy ground and this is the hour that our commander and chief stands before us much like He did in the days of Joshua.  He stands before us to take His place as the Head, as the King and lead Canada into her Destiny!  I hear the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit say "if we get Canada, then we've got the nations".

And so we respond, we take off our shoes and we say "Lord, we are Canada, come and get us, come and take us over!!!".



September 18, 2014


SCRIPTURE: The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me. To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives. And recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. Luke 4: 18, 19

SCRIPTURE: Would I ever bring this nation to the point of birth and then not deliver it?” asks the Lord. No! I would never keep this nation from being born, says your God. Rejoice with Jerusalem!  Be glad with her, all you who love her and all you who mourn for her. Drink deeply of her glory even as an infant drinks at its mother’s comforting breasts. This is what the Lord says: I will give Jerusalem a river of peace and prosperity. The wealth of the nations will flow to her. Her children will be nursed at her breasts, carried in her arms, and held on her lap. I will comfort you there in Jerusalem as a mother comforts her child.  When you see these things, your heart will rejoice.  You will flourish like the grass! Everyone will see the Lord’s hand of blessing on his servants and his anger against his enemies.  See, the Lord is coming with fire, and his swift chariots roar like a whirlwind.  He will bring punishment with the fury of his angels and the flaming fire of his hot rebuke. Isaiah 66: 9-15

KEY WORD for the Inuit people of Canada is El Shaddai-  the “many breasted one”, who is coming to inhabit and transform the Inuit people of Canada from brokenness into wholeness.

I see the Inuit people carrying the anointing of El Shaddai – they are anointed to bring healing and wholeness to the broken.



SCRIPTURE: To comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. And they shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolation, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolation of many generations. Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and your vine-dressers.  But you shall be named the priests of the Lord, they shall call you the servants of our God.  You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory you shall boast.  Instead of your shame you shall have double honour, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion.  Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs. “For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery for burnt offering; I will direct their work in truth, and will make with them an everlasting covenant. Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles. And their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the posterity whom the Lord has blessed.” Isaiah 61:3-9.

KEY WORD for First Nations people of Canada is Restoration- The Lord is restoring the years the locusts have eaten;, redeeming and restoring the time, making all things new. I see rest and restoration coming to a people who have been restless and without rest. With this rest is coming an anointing for ruler-ship.  Rise up mighty warrior and walk in your authority as kings and queens!



SCRIPTURE: But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.  And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.  Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty.  Malachi 4:2-3.

SCRIPTURE: The One who breaks open the way will go up before them, they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head. Micah 2:13.

KEY WORD for the Métis people of Canada is Breakthrough.  I see a a breaking open and a breakthrough anointing upon the Métis people of Canada!  I see that you will receive breakthrough and then you will release breakthrough!  Yokes of bondage will be destroyed everywhere you go!  You will break down walls and barriers and hindrances and strongholds.  You are anointed to prepare the way!


April 07, 2014

Vision for Canadian Women of Destiny.  In a vision I saw many women out in the sea of life. I could only see their heads bobbing up and down in the water.  They were struggling trying to keep their heads up.  They looked like they were on the verge of drowning… just surviving, barely making it through their lives.  They looked tired and weary and they were struggling.  I heard them groaning, “Oh God, if you don’t do something- I am going to go under”.

I looked down under the water I saw why they were struggling.  There were huge heavy chains on their legs pulling and weighing them down.  I suddenly knew that these chains represented emotional wounds and they were like heavy tumours.  These emotional wounds were hurts including: rejection, depression, bitterness, unforgiveness, criticism, anger, disappointment and discouragement.   I knew that these women had believed many lies about themselves.  I was weeping while I watched this.

Suddenly, I heard the Lord say,  “Strengthen the women!”.   I watched as great beams of light appeared.  These beams were coming from the Lord and they looked like lasers. They were being released to the women.  I knew that these great laser beams represented Revelation of the Father’s Love.   I watched as the lasers aimed straight for the chains around the legs of the women.

As the beams of light hit the chains, I saw the chains of bondage breaking apart and falling off! As the chains fell from the women’s legs, I saw that they were healed and released from their emotional wounds.  The Father’s Love encountered each one and His emotions touched their damaged emotions and they were transformed and made whole.  Their orphan hearts were transformed into the hearts of daughters.  The Father’s love empowered them and they began to rise up in the water. 

I was stunned because I saw that these women were not designed to swim in the sea of life… rather, as they rose up out of the waters with grace and freedom; one by one they began to dance upon the waters!  They were dancing the dance of freedom and dominion.

The Father’s Love, the Father’s emotions empowered them to think and feel about themselves the way He did.  These are His Canadian daughters- His Canadian Women of Destiny!


March 25, 2014

This is the time of The Changing of the Guard in Canada.  A new wave of leadership is rising up on the dawning of a new day for Canada.  This leadership is not coming as a replacement… rather they are being raised up as a reinforcement.  They are coming with a fresh anointing to “kick it up a notch” and they will be the manifestation of the last generation’s hopes and dreams. 

This new leadership carries a generational blessing for they have received a double portion. They are sons/daughters who will walk in the authority of fathers/mothers. They will change the landscape of this Nation.  I see a great undertaking as mighty exploits are at hand.  It’s a new day and the Father’s hand is sweeping across Canada to gather together His sons and daughters so that they might walk in unity and be about their Father’s business.  One heart and one mind. 

The forerunners are emerging at the front lines and they are breaking out front with a fresh burst of strategy and empowerment.  They are moving in resurrection power.  They are aggressive and they are being called to storm enemy gates and enter enemy territory.  They are being sent to take the plunder.  They are mighty and they are bold. They will not hold back as they retrieve and restore all that has been stolen…they carry the fire of the Father’s heart for Canada.  His love burns in their hearts.  I see many thorns melting and dissolving in their midst.  Blessing trumps cursing.  The fear of the Lord is upon His forerunners. They are being sent to restore and release Canada into her God given Destiny. 

The heart of Canada is shifting and turning... I see the heart of a Nation turning back to the Father.

I see a divine plumb-line being set in place across Canada.  Many will rise and fall according to their own desires.  It’s time for the transition to be completed.   A line is being drawn to separate and define what has been from what is now to be.

I see the fall of demonic strongholds across Canada.  I see liberation and freedom taking hold.  The orphan spirit has been broken and is now being untangled and removed from the soul of man.  There has been a washing; now comes a conditioning, a smoothing out of knots and tangles- the remnants of the orphan spirit being displaced by the spirit of sonship- by the Father’s Love.

I see the maple leaf flying high- a symbol of healing for Nations. The harvest fields have been measured and marked for this hour. Divine decrees are being released. The way is being prepared. The harvesters are being harvested. There is an establishing, a rising into destiny. Doors to the dark places are opening up. Doors are opening that have never been opened before. Doors are closing that could never be closed before.

There is a readiness to receive... a readiness to receive the Father’s Love.

What was not possible before is now being made possible. This is the hour of great change and great possibility!


March 13, 2014



 When Samuel took the anointing oil and anointed David in the midst of his brothers it says that theSpirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward.  2 Samuel 16:13

A Davidic anointing is being released in Alberta. The prophetic is releasing the apostolic across Alberta.  The Kings are rising up!

The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces.  1 Samuel 2:10

From Heaven He will thunder against them.  The Lord will judge the ends of the earth and HE will strength to His King and exalt the horn of His anointed - His people.



A new sound is breaking forth – and this sound is calling forth an awakening for the province of British Columbia. It is the sound of a new trumpet that I AM putting in your mouth.  I AM fitting you with a new mouth piece that carries a higher pitch and it will carry a new sound of victory.

British Columbia you carry a prophetic mantle and you are being fitted with a new mouthpiece.  You who have ears to hear - hear what the Spirit is saying to you.



When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him and He will coming like a mighty rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives.  Isaiah 59: 14

I see a standard being raised up in Manitoba. I see peace and rest coming into the church in Manitoba because it is the God of peace that will crush satan under your feet.

Your capital city of Winnipeg will no longer be known as the murder capital of Canada. Winnipeg, you will be known as the birthing capitol of Canada.  

Manitoba, you carry an evangelistic mandate and you will usher many sons and daughters into the Kingdom.

The fresh oil of evangelism and outreach is being poured out across the province of Manitoba.



I see a man loosening his tie because it was too tight around his throat. I see a loosening coming to this province. The walls of division are coming down. The Church is loosening up.  Freedom is the cry that will be heard in your land.  There is a fresh breath of the Spirit of God blowing throughout New Brunswick.

I see New Brunswick taking a deep breath of life.  I decree and declare to New Brunswick… out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.



You shall know the truth and truly you shall be free.  The Spirit of Truth is coming to the heart of Newfoundland. Your identity is being realigned as a valuable part of Canada. I release honour to you. You are coming into balance and you will have fresh vision for your Nation.  Your destiny is to be a healing province.



The new wine is going to flow freely in my Territories. Roll out the barrel and I will fill it with a brand new wine.  The key word for you is unity and brotherhood. And they will know you are Christians by your love. I AM releasing in you the oil of joy and giving you the garments of praise.



What has been old has now become new.  There has been a restoration of the past and a vision and a focus for the future.  You are bringing forth new treasures from the old as new life is being breathed into you.  God is establishing you in your identity as a Province that releases blessing and healing into the other Provinces across Canada. I see an increase and a rising up of the healing balm of Gilead.  New wineskins are being formed in the church across Nova Scotia. You will be pioneers of new things … in the midst of a maturing of old things.  I see real balance coming into Nova Scotia.



You are so accepted in the Beloved.  I decree and declare that the Spirit of Sonship is upon you. My sons and My daughters are rising up in Nunavut.

 Malachi 4:2 – and the Son of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. He is bringing you healing and restoration.



I hear the sound of rumbling in the Church in Ontario and also heard is the sound of grumbling coming from the enemy.

There is a rumbling and a stirring-   there is a rising up of the Warriors. It is the breaker anointing that is being released in Ontario. I see the Church in Ontario sending shock waves throughout the Nation.  There is a shaking and a realignment happening in the atmosphere in the land.  These shock waves are paralyzing the enemy and cancelling his plans and assignments.

Behold I AM doing a new thing says the Lord – shall you not know it? I will even make streams in the desert and roads in the wilderness. Ontario – You will make a way where there is no way.  You will go before Canada as a forerunner to prepare the way – to make crooked ways straight.

Powerhouse is written upon you Ontario.



There is a furnace in the midst of the province of PEI and I see that the heat is being turned up.  I AM is stoking the fire and raising up a passion in the heart of Prince Edward Island.  A divine confidence. There is an emergence of new leaders coming on the scene in PEI –

Who is this coming up out of the wilderness leaning on Her Beloved?  Song of Solomon 8:5



I see Quebec and I see water draining out of a bathtub. And the Lord is saying that as the water is draining from this bathtub it is a picture of what I have been doing in Quebec.  I have cleansed this province. I see the bride of Christ emerging from this bathtub… there has been a cleansing and a purifying and I hear the Lord saying “now you are ready for fresh robes and fresh linen”.  

To her it was granted to be arrayed in fine white linen clean and bright. For the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Revelation 19:8

You are clean and you are bright –

I see a fresh anointing upon your forehead Quebec– there is a fresh and new commissioning.

Spiritual ears and eyes are opening up everywhere across Quebec.

Quebec:  Not only do you look good but you smell good to.  You are releasing a fresh fragrance into the Nation of Canada.



You have seen affliction, adversity and much pressure. I see a pearl emerging as a result of the negative forces that have been seemingly against you Saskatchewan.  I see that a gorgeous pearl of wisdom has being formed that can only have come as a result of fiery trials.  In times of drought I have sustained you says the Lord and today I am turning you inside out… so that the work that I have accomplished in the hidden places is now being revealed.

I see the Father holding the pearl of Saskatchewan in His hand. He is marvelling at the beauty and the resilience HE sees and HE wants you to know that He is so pleased. You are ready and He is eager to show Himself through you.



Fresh oil is being poured on you today.  The Father’s love is coursing through the veins of the Yukon.

Although you have felt alienated from the rest of Canada, you are accepted in the Beloved.  The refining fire you have gone through has produced pure gold.



July 1st, 2013

I hear the Lord say "It's Time! for the new wine will begin to flow freely across this Nation". The land will be restored! The great cloud of witnesses are cheering on the Canadian Bride!!! 

The reinforcements have arrived! The warriors are rising up out of the caves and they are the mighty men (and women) of valor. They have the new wine coursing through their veins- the resurrection power! The veils are coming off for such a time as this! 

It's time for authority , it's time for Your majesty, it's time for the Kingdom of our God to be revealed!

January 01, 2013


2013 is the year where we will Cultivate and Establish a Culture of Victory. This will be a year of occupying and possessing our inheritance as sons and daughters in Christ. 

2011 was a year of breakthrough, 2012 was a year of realigning, reordering and restoring. 2013 will be the year of establishing ourselves in a new Victory mindset.  Not only will we see the Victory but we will BE the Victory!  Grab hold of Victory and be anchored in it.  We are to move out from a position of Victory, war from Victory and rest in Victory.  We will be established in Victory.  As we occupy and posses our inheritance in Christ, we will occupy and possess the Nation of Canada.  2013 is a year to establish Kingdom mindsets, Kingdom principles, Kingdom culture, Kingdom government and Kingdom atmosphere!

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you might prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  Romans 12:2

Your Kingdom come - Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10


July 29, 2013

This came from a Director of a Healing Room in Florida!!! Awesome word for Canada !!!

Canada is about to turn on a dime - the colloquial definition of acceleration. Canada is pounding out a sound that will shake the earth. That sound will not only shake Canada, it will shake nations because Canada is the bridge. It will shake hidden things loose, both good and bad. They will be uncovered by the shifting earth. There are hidden resources about to be shaken loose.

Wherever we step the earth will move and things will shift. The church in Canada is awakening to move out into the community, into businesses, among the peoples; God is giving Canada the "father's heart" and we will find that "Love is the key." No matter who they are we will love them into the kingdom. Do not be intimidated by darkness. the first thing God did in the Bible was to invade darkness. Gen. 1:2. The Holy Spirit is going to bubble up and take over right where people are. Canada will be invaded with the supernatural. As in the days of the 1948 revival and the Toronto revival, God is beginning a move of God right here in Canada as he did before that will be exponentially greater than either revival. The camels have already come into Canada and it will be not only a healing nation but a blessing nation..


November 15, 2012


He's Coming to Canada in a brand new way:

Amos 3:7

Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets... the message bible translation says it this way:

Without first telling his prophets the whole story. As We need to be ready for this next move. We are to be a prophetic-apostolic church we are to be in tune with the moving of the Spirit. 

We are to know the movements of our bridegroom in this hour, to hear His footsteps.

In the Spirit: I see Jesus Christ is rising up in His Canadian Bride as King of kings.  I see the crown of His headship being released into our Nation.  Provision is in the crown, authority is in the crown, dominion is in the crown. 

We need to hear Him, to feel Him and to see Him because we become what we behold.   We need to behold Jesus Christ as King of kings in order to receive His Kingly anointing; in order to walk in the fullness of His finished work.  It is the Father's great desire for His Canadian sons and daughters to come into the fullness of their inheritance, to come into their Destiny as Healers to the Nations.  The Nations are waiting for Canada to rise up and take her place.  Nations are waiting for Canada to release them into their Destinies. 

   Jesus Christ was the firstborn of the Father.  The first to be crucified, buried and the first to be resurrected from the dead.  He was the first to ascend to the Father's right hand.  All authority has been given to Him.  All power, all dominion, and He is calling us to follow Him.  First to the cross, then to the grave and now is the time for the resurrection from the dead/ resurrection from the graves. Now is the time for the Resurrection Power -resurrection into the heavenly places, resurrection to the Father's right hand.  We were made to be seated in heavenly places with Him above all powers and principalities.  We were made for this, we were designed for this, we were born for this place of Dominion. This is what the Father is releasing to Canada - Resurrection Power!  The power to raise the dead, the power to raise the dead church from the place of Golgotha to the place of Dominion in Jesus Christ at the Father's right hand.  The Father wants all of us ruling and reigning at His right hand.  I hear the Father saying "I want all my kids at my right hand". 

That is the place that has been prepared for us through the finished work of Christ. The place where we rest in His complete victory.  


November 5, 2012


There are distinct times and seasons where God will open a door or window for us to respond to a new move of His Spirit in our midst. 

   In a vision, I saw that we are in the midst of an open door that is beginning to close... "this is transition time"...and so it was like we were back in Joshua's time and I saw the rivers of Jordan parted and many people crossing over. Although this was a supernatural act it was like these people has a sense of purpose and focus...they were in agreement and submission to this "come on" lets get across from the wilderness into our Destiny. In the vision: I was standing on the shores of the promised land and I looked at the people crossing over and I saw the waters of the Jordan behind them beginning to recede. I knew the time "to cross over" into the new thing God has for us was coming to an end. I started calling to the people "lets go". I called them to come up out of the transition because I knew this time, this door, this season of transitioning was coming to a close. 

There is an army that is finishing their transition into their promises...into their Destiny... 

Come out of the old thing, out of the old wineskin and come into the new thing, the new Wineskin of the Apostolic church.  


November 29, 2012


He's Coming to Canada in a brand new way: Amos 3:7 surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets… the message bible translation says it this way The fact is, God, the Master, does nothing without first telling his prophets the whole story.

We need to be ready for this next move. We are to be a prophetic-apostolic church ...we are to be in tune with the moving of the Spirit... to know the movements of our bridegroom in this hour, to hear His footsteps.

 In the Spirit: I see Jesus Christ is rising up in His Canadian Bride as King of kings. I see the crown of His headship being released into our Nation...provision is in the crown, authority is in the crown, dominion is in the crown...we need to hear Him, to feel Him and to see Him...because we become what we behold...we need to behold Jesus Christ as King of kings in order to receive His Kingly anointing, in order to walk in the fullness of His finished work. It is the Father's great desire for His Canadian sons and daughters to come into the fullness of their inheritance, to come into their Destiny as Healers to the Nations. The Nations are waiting for Canada to rise up and take her place. Nations are waiting for Canada to release them into their Destinies.    Jesus Christ was the firstborn of the Father...the first to be crucified, buried and the first to be resurrected from the dead. He was the first to ascend to the Father's right hand. All authority has been given to Him. All power...all dominion...and He is calling us to follow Him...first to the cross, then to the grave and now is the time for the resurrection from the dead/ resurrection from the graves. Now is the time for the Resurrection Power---resurrection into the heavenly places, resurrection to the Father's right hand. We were made to be seated in heavenly places with Him above all powers and principalities. We were made for this, we were designed for this, we were born for this place of Dominion. This is what the Father is releasing to Canada... Resurrection Power! The power to raise the dead...the power to raise the dead church from the place of Golgotha to the place of Dominion in Jesus Christ at the Father's right hand. The Father wants all of us ruling and reigning at His right hand. I hear the Father saying "I want all my kids at my right hand". That is the place that has been prepared for us through the finished work of Jesus Christ. The place where we enter into Rest in His complete victory.  


August 24, 2012

Vision: saw people wearing heavy, drab coats. Trying to do God’s will in their own strength, self effort and their source was their own ability. When things didn’t go well they were trying to do better and try harder.  This resulted in condemnation and discouragement. The coats represented heaviness and stress and the people who were wearing these coats were weighted down and couldn’t move around much. Then I saw a rack of lightweight bomber jackets that God was offering in exchange for the heavy coats. They were white in color. And I heard “Divine coat exchange”.  And I saw that these lightweight bomber jackets represented the Lord’s yoke. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. The lightness and purity of these jackets empowered the individuals wearing them because the source of their strength was comingfrom God's ability and not themselves. The “bomber” aspect of these jackets represented a breaker type anointing. And when people wore these jackets obstacles and hindrances were removed from their midst as they moved forward in the yoke of Christ. And so the “Divine coat exchange” was to exchange the heavy coats for these lightweight bomber jackets. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30.


August 23, 2012

God is faithful! God is good! Align yourselves with the Father-heart of God. This is the hour of release. The hour of receiving revelation of the Father-heart of God- El Shaddai : “the many breasted one”. I can see a release of this new liquid: I can see and smell the texture, the taste, the fragrance of the new wine...flowing from the bosom of the “many breasted one”.  Your cries have positioned you to latch onto His bosom.  Drink deeply. You have been priming the pump for many years but now I can see a transition coming, the water is thickening, transitioning into a creamy, golden fat: it’s the word flowing and transitioning and coming to life, the word thickened with the fat of the Spirit...- like the hind milk in breastmilk, high in fat, rich in antibodies, heavy with the anointing of the Holy Spirit! 

The anointing breaks every yoke. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father's bosom, the many breasted one. Drink deeply...for it is through a unified suckling...a coordinated unity that our thirst and hunger releases the let down of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power. I see the Spirit of Adoption being released and received in greater measure across the north, the south, the east and the west of this Nation of Canada! Once this is released, I see that what has been previously a trickle will soon become a torrent…a flood!  Reposition to receive into the core of your being.  It’s a well- balanced meal, a well-balanced release. I see waves of reception of this new wine as many are being strategically positioned at the Father’s bosom.  And this new wine is transforming and producing new wineskins. I see orphans being transformed into sons and daughters as they receive the new wine of the Father's Heart…His love, compassion and mercy! 

I see sons and daughters latching onto the revelation of the “many breasted one”- El Shaddai- ---the  mothering aspect of the Father-heart of God. I see a satiation and a rest coming to the thirsty and the hungry.  The Father's love is the new wine. This wine contains provision and protection.  And when we receive the Father’s provision and protection (the person and work of Jesus Christ) that we experience healing, peace, restoration and destiny! The Word and the Spirit are flowing as One.  We need the New wine for the New thing. Get ready Canada!

Isaiah 43: 18, 19 Forget the former things, Behold I do a New Thing! 


January 3, 2012


Jan 2012/ VISION:  As I was in worship recently, I asking the Lord to move mightily in this Land, to raise up the warrior, an army of healers and deliverers etc… and I had a vision of a horse lying dead in the streets. As I saw the dead horse a thought came to me and I said to the Lord “I feel like I am beating a dead horse”. Instantly I heard the Lord say this “don’t beat the horse, speak to the horse”. As I agreed with the Lord to speak to the horse I watched as the horse suddenly began to shake and neigh and rise to its feet and it began to stand in the streets of Canada.

I was immediately reminded that in the OT, Moses was told by God not to strike the rock for water but to speak to the rock. I believe God is releasing resurrection power in the prophetic word to raise up the warriors in this hour. This horse is a war horse and represents the army of warriors that God is raising up in Canada to take down every work of the enemy; to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth.

January 01, 2012


2012 is the year of the rising up of Apostolic Government...a release of Apostolic authority and anointing for re-ordering, re-aligning and re-storing. A year where the church will begin to live the Word of becoming One with the Word. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

I see foundations are being built upon.  Structural walls are going up as God builds His church.  Pillars are being erected and set into place as new parts of the church are taking shape and being formed. . The church is being healed from the inside out. Vital parts are being revived, refreshed and re-aligned with new life. 

A year of building. Re-newed Vision for provision. A year of Destiny breaking forth. New wine-skins revealing and releasing the new wine: the wine of the presence of our King!

Jesus Christ is King, the Lion of Judah.


June 3, 2011


I see the release of a fresh dance anointing. I see the dancers rising up across the nations, I hear a new sound coming forth and a new dance breaking forth. It is the dance of Dominion. The dancers are dancing as a war cry goes forth; as the alarms are being sounded…And I hear the Lord say Arise and dance, dance on the head of injustice, dance on the head of oppression, dance the dance of Victory and Grace…I see the feet of the body of Christ taking new ground, taking new territory…the feet of the body of Christ mobilizing, moving strategically and dancing into the streets, into their inheritance, into their Destiny…dancing to the beat of the Father’s heart... for the days of Apostolic release are upon us.


May 12, 2011


I see a moving of the birthplaces.

Spiritual mothers aligning and positioning themselves in order to conceive into their spiritual wombs and incubate the promises, the plans, the vision, and the purposes of the Father. At the right time they will birth and bring forth His plans and His Destiny for this Nation. No longer will the promises of God be birthed into sterile religious formats where they are manipulated and stifled and crushed. I see spiritual mothers birthing into the streets and into the marketplaces. I see spiritual mothers moving about and being led by the Spirit of God into the stables and into the hidden places. Even as Mary birthed Jesus in a hidden place so shall the spiritual mothers of this generation labour and birth in the unlikely places. And I see a raising up of the fruit of their wombs, the promises and purposes of the Father manifesting in Jesus Christ- healthy and strong. And the hand of the Lord will be upon them and angels will encamp around them.


April 22, 2011


The vessel has to be a "new wineskin" in order to receive the "new wine". I see vessels preparing to receive the new wine. Resurrection Power. Here comes a new move, a fresh wind- a fresh move of the Spirit. Trials have built capacity to receive and perceive the hand of God. Re-positioning and re-aligning to the Father's will. Shifting and shaking in the depths, in the foundations and in the core of identity in Christ. God is taking us to the bare bones. I see the plumb-line being applied to the foundations on which He plans to build. I see the burning up of all that is not founded in Christ...whatever has not gone through the cross. Only that which is of Christ will be anointed and appointed in this hour. Only that which Glorifies the Father will stand amidst the shaking and the sifting. All that which is not of Christ will be as sinking sand. "On Christ the solid rock I stand...all other ground is sinking sand."


March 29, 2011


I see an army of warriors rising with the swords in their mouths declaring the word of the Lord in season and out of season and they will not relent and they will be a force to be reckoned with. And I hear the battle cry as the Mothers arise and release from their bellies, the resurrected life of Christ. And they will go forward in boldness with the roar of the lioness. And even as the Father has imparted into them His heart for the lost, the broken and the hurting so they shall arise to set the Captives free and no one shall come near them or stop them for the fierceness of Love will be upon them. 
Take charge in this hour and walk in the authority I have given you says the Lord for I will hold you up with my mighty right arm and you will not fail. Love covers a multitude of sins, you are vessels of my Love and Love never fails.

There is a turning of the tide in Canada as a change of perspective comes into the hearts of His chosen ones. "Behold I do a new thing" says the Lord ...the old is past and the new has come. 

I see a releasing and a rising up of a new generation. The shift has already begun. A Davidic army arises as the Kingdoms of Saul are taken down. The Lord is raising up the leadership of David and taking down the leadership of Saul. As the Davids rise up out of the caves of Adullam with the Mighty Men of Valor, I hear the cry of Freedom that burns deep in their hearts . They are being released in this hour to set the Captives Free! They are coming forth in the power and glory of Jesus Christ. In resurrection power, imparting the Father's love.


February 28, 2011


We have been prepared and equipped for such a time as this. The body of Christ is coming into a time of Mobilization. I see an opening of Portals across this Nation and I see the banner of Freedom being raised up over this Land of Canada. This Land will be known as a land of Freedom...Freedom fighters are being commissioned to declare and raise up a standard. There is coming a movement of Purity. The light is piercing into the darkness of this land and taking ground as the hearts of many are being called out to be set apart in an hour of worship, in an hour of beholding, in an hour of releasing the word of the Lord and there is an awakening among the warriors who will arise from their slumber and as their eyes are healed and opened ---they will see as they have never seen before and they will speak what they see and they will speak in ways they have never spoke before and their words will be as though the Father himself is speaking. And their words will cut like a knife through the darkness and bring separation between what is of God and what is not....their words will correct and straighten and re-align that which has become crooked and perverted and confused. And through their words there will be a highway of holiness created and established and prepared so that the Glory of the Lord may his Nation. 

We are moving from a position of intercession into a place of declaration and proclamation. As we wield the sword of the Spirit from our mouths, our feet will take action to occupy and possess this land of Canada. For we are called to possess all that has been secured through the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds. And even in the thick of the battle I see the Lord is strengthening those who have become weary. And I see deeper revelation of Christ taking hold and breaking through mindsets, bringing every thought captive and releasing courage. And I hear the Lord speak over many in this hour My yoke is easy and My burden is encouraged for when you come to what looks like an impossibility; it is then that I will employ you with weapons of warfare that you have not considered. Be strengthened for you will battle with ease and precision. I am taking
 you from a generalist mentality to that of a specialist.I am bringing you into an acceleration in breakthrough. 

And I see that we are moving into a time of "suddenly moments" as shifting occurs... and there is a breaking through of ceilings as they are becoming the floors for this next level of revelation in authority, in ministry and breakthrough. And I hear the Lord say that because of this acceleration and these shifts we are moving into the days of "the overtaking"...where the sower shall overtake the reaper (Amos 9:13).

 the fruitfulness of the harvest will come in at such an accelerated pace that the sowing and reaping will occur almost at the same time.

Behold Jesus Christ as He sits at the right hand of the Father and He calls us to be one with Him. He is seated above all power and principality and we are seated with Him. He is the ascended Christ and we are in

freedom. Canada was created to glorify God. A Nation chosen to reflect the Father's heart and to release the Father's Love through a message of reconciliation. Release words of restoration and freedom into the soil, into the heart and into the atmosphere of this land. And as these words mingle with the tears of intercession from past generations there will spring forth a fresh move of the Spirit. To release a well of Revival- to revive children to the fathers---I see the Spirit pouring through the Portals that stand positioned for release. And there will be a harvest of life and fruit as the cry of the orphan is transformed into a declaration of Destiny. Canada will arise to bring healing to the nations of the world. And out of Canada will arise Fathers and Mothers who will raise up sons and daughters for an Apostolic movement, an Apostolic mantle has fallen to our Nation. It is upon us even now. 

 e the Destiny of a Nation and the Destiny of a people...chosen to carry the Father's Heart to the Nations of the earth. And I see the Spirit of God also called the Spirit of Adoption---turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the

Has God not said it? Will He not accomplish all that is in His Heart to do? And so the Lord would say : You have not chosen me but I have chosen you. So that you would accomplish all that is in My heart for this Nation. Go! heal your Land. Release the strategies to possess, Release My words. Release My Heart. Release, Release, Release...


January 12, 2011


“The Year of Breakthrough.” 

"The Year of the Break-away church."

When I heard the Lord speak this, I thought of a sports games where an offensive player is on a “breakaway”…where he has gained stride over every one of his opponents’ defences and accelerates towards the other net to score.

This speaks of acceleration and a moving out.

Breakthrough in difficult situations this year. This year will be marked by a Breaker anointing. A breaking out of old patterns and old cycles. A breaking off of old mindsets.A breaking into new ground and into new territory. A breaking out of the old and a breaking into the new.

A breaking away from the past and a breaking into Destiny. This will be a year for many who will begin to move into their Destiny.

Go higher, go deeper, go further. In breaking through we are letting go of the past. We can’t move ahead without letting go of what we had and what we have now. The very nature of “breakthrough” speaks of letting go, speaks of something new, something fresh…crossing over to the other side .…the other side of the mountain ....the other side of the cross...moving ahead in resurrection power.

I see a breaking out of the mold that has served its purpose. The mold has given form and shape to the life within but is no longer needed (much like a jelly mold). There will be a breaking forth as the mold is removed to reveal the hidden life within. And there will be a distinction between the forming process (mold) and that which has been formed (life of Jesus Christ within).


December 15, 2010


There is a changing of the Guard in Canada. A new generation is being raised up to stand on guard for the Destiny of Canada. A new breed of warriors who will have no other ambition but to do the Father's will. I hear the Lord saying that Canada is about to enter her finest hour as a spiritual force among the nations. Canada is moving into the final stages of refinement and preparation for her Destiny. 

Radical Women's Movement 

There are women waiting for release into this radical women's movement...This movement will counter the ungodly movement of feminism. Jezebel will be utterly destroyed in the hearts and culture of Canadians and Canada.  I am calling forth women to return to their positions. I am calling forth women to return to their places alongside their undergird their homes and to lift up their children to Me. I am pouring out My Spirit to enable them in this hour...against all odds, against the change the very fabric of this turn hearts back to My Heart. The Spirit of Elijah being poured out...turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fulfill the desires of my Heart...for this is but the first step towards Canada fulfilling her destiny...the first step in re-establishing/ re-aligning the home, the family. 

The high calling of "a woman" is being orchestrated and released even now as there has been a shift in the heavenly realms as realignments are taking place in His body. How the Father longs to display Himself through His women...pure woman even as He ordained her to be right from the beginning. The return to true femininity shall reshape a culture and bring many prodigals home. True womanhood shall stand at the forefront of this great harvest as a great cry of intercession brings about the beginning of restoration of this Nation, Canada.


December 1, 2010


I am re-aligning, re-establishing and shifting those called to “leadership” in My body. This shifting and re-aligning in My governmental body will result in the shifting and re-alignment of the government of this nation…Canada. One will directly impact the other. So it is in the spiritual realm, so be it in the natural realm.

Prepare your  hearts, prepare yourselves, for I will do a work in my body and in this nation that will astound many. The nations of the world await these changes and shall be influenced by them.

Spiritual re-alignment…re-vamping and reshaping My body…all the parts being fitted according to My plan. And what a plan I have! It is not a new plan…it is the same plan I have always had…the plan of “family”.  Relationship.  As it was planned from the beginning.

Those whom I have called to prepare a place for Me to dwell in this nation now run in the forefront to reposition and release those who will be instrumental in this move of My Spirit.  

It is not a hard thing for me to do this. It has been held off long enough. I have been waiting…not because I cannot or will not release My Spirit…I have been waiting for hearts to be prepared so that my Spirit will be recognized and received.  For I intend to come in a way that you have not considered. Am I not lowly in heart and is it not my nature to come through the weak and the humble? Surely I have not changed. I arrived in a stable…in a barn… and I shall even once again raise up My plans and purposes from the stables and even the barns of this nation…the places and people of no status and no reputation.

There have been those who have cried out to me long and hard, even to the depths of their being…renting their hearts before me and turning themselves inside out to seek My face. Such desperation, such brokenness…so beautiful and precious in My sight. A contrite heart…this is where My Spirit shall dwell. I have not taken pleasure in anything as much as I have taken pleasure in a heart wholly given to Me, utterly, wholly given. I see all and I am coming with restoration and release.

Watch and see as I do a new thing in this nation…for I have heard the cry of desperation rise up from within you. Yes, I hear the cry for your children but there rises even a greater cry that pierces My own heart. It comes from My own body and is entwined with the cry of a nation spilling over and it is an “orphan’s cry”.

You cry for your children but you do not hear that they also cry out to you…for you. I shall bridge between the cries and release healing. My heart is to restore and release fathers/mothers to answer the cry of the orphaned in My body. This is the day of restoration. As the cry of the “orphan” in My body is silenced with love and response then I shall release fathers/mothers across this nation to bring such a pouring out of love onto those who have no covering.  Many are uncovered in this day. Uncovered and cold; without protection, without love.

An orphaned generation requires a generation of fathers/mothers to rise up and be poured out in love.  Then shall an “orphan spirit” be broken off of this nation. And Canada shall bear much fruit. As the orphaned becomes properly parented there shall come revelation of identity. Identity shall give rise to vision and vision shall give rise to destiny. Individually, corporately as a body and nationally as a nation.

You ask, what about this government of Canada? I tell you, I am raising up fathers and mothers to take their stand at the helm of this nation and they shall carry My heart for those whom they have been called to serve and protect. And they shall be led by My Spirit, seeking My counsel, speaking My words and doing My will. And Canada shall be called a “protector” and “nurturer” of her household.  So Canada shall be fathered and mothered by those created and walking in My image. The two shall be as One. So shall I heal the heart of My body and of this Nation.


December 12, 2012


I was given a vision that led to a greater vision/encounter as outlined below. In the Spirit, I saw the Lord rolling back a tombstone and the Spirit had me call out "Lazarus come forth" and I saw myself walking into graveyards and pulling out the dead and handing them back to the living. I saw myself weeping as I took the lifeless bodies of babies and put them alive again into the arms of their mothers and great joy broke out throughout the earth as these mothers cried with hearts of joy and gratitude to the Lord. 

I heard the Lord say, "Resurrection Power, this is the stuff dreams are made of”. The Lord told me He was about to make dreams come true. 

I pray that the Lord's dreams for each one of us would come true!!!

I was reminded of the biblical parable of the master sending out invitations for those who were to attend the great feast and when many were too busy with other things He had his servants bring in the lame and the poor. But there was still room and eventually the Master told His servants to "compel"those in the highways and byways to come to this great feast. I heard the Lord say that He would go into the streets, the highways and byways, and the marketplaces, and compel the people with His Love and give them a revelation of who Jesus Christ of Nazareth really is. I heard him say "I will not go to the religious, for they have dis-graced the name of Jesus". 

Then, I saw buckets of jewels being poured out and a mother sow nursing many young piglets. I understood that the Lord was not going to cast His pearls before swine. The mother sow represented the religious system and the piglets, the denominational offspring that feed off the religious system....

I then saw elements of nature at work. There was a huge water-fall and lightening and thundering and the wind was whirling. Out of this, came a pair of hands and they were holding something. As I looked, the hands opened and I saw a bloody "heart" pulsating and beating in them. I then saw the numbers 131. They turned vertically and were circled with 3 rings. The Lord reached up and pulled out the center ring and I realized it was a diamond engagement ring. 

He opened the diamond up like you would a locket and placed the heartinside the diamond and closed it up and said to me, "Love is the greatest Power on heaven and earth"and "Love never fails". He told me to put this ring on my finger and I automatically put it on the ring-finger of my right hand. As I did, my right arm shot straight up and I heard the words "Resurrection Power" and I was instantly transformed into the statue of liberty! I saw that there would be freedom for the captives. The Lord spoke, "wave your arm around,"and when I did, lightning bolts and electricity began shooting out of this ring and all around me into the room and beyond. The diamond sparkled and gave off refractory lighting. 

As this was happening, I saw and heard that the heart was beating and there were sound waves emanating from it that could be seen and heard. They were being sent out in all directions. I heard the Lord say, "I will compel them with my Love, for this is My Heart."I understood that it was His heartbeat inside of the diamond ring, that would draw the lost, the hurting, and the desperate. I was then given golden bracelets to put onto my right arm, and they too, shone and gave off great light and were tinkling. I realized that I was the Bride of Christ and the Lord was showing me what He was doing with His Bride and what she would wear. I looked down to see that I was wearing a gorgeous bridal dress with many jewels affixed to it. 

I could see my earrings were pearls with whisksattached that were whirling and turning around, accelerating my ability to move forward. Hearing devices were put into my ears to increase the volume and ability to hear clearly. 

I saw a golden crown with jewels placed on my head and a family heirloom necklace fastened around my neck. The Lord said the necklace represented the “ancient anointings”that were being revived. 

There were glass slippers on my feet that were smeared with a dance anointing. The stockings I wore under the dress, were red fishnet. The Lord told me they were symbolic of boldness as the Bride would be much like a bull in a china shop, upsetting and breaking things that man had set up so nice and neat, and that she was going to be bold and have much courage to do this.

Suddenly, a helicopter with a huge spotlight came into my room and stopped directly over me. I saw that wherever I went, this helicopter and spotlight would now be shining directly on me (the Bride). When the spotlight was on her, the whole room exploded with lightening because the diamond gave off beams of refractory colors and there was a magnifying of this light. It was an intense blinding white. 

The dress and every jewel was totally shooting off like lightening with colors in every direction. And I heard the Lord say, "this is my spotlight anointing!"

It was like a whirlwind because the whirling of the helicopter blades were designed to  accelerate and intensify the movements of the Bride. The whirlwind was in place to propel her forward.

The scene changed again and I saw and heard a trumpet being blown. The atmosphere was filled with red arrows. As I looked closer, I saw that each of the arrows were actually praying hands and I instantly knew that these arrows were Intercessory prayers that were sent to change the atmosphere, to "make a way" for the Bride to begin walking. These arrows were mercy prayersand as they fell onto the ground they formed a red carpet! The red carpet was for the Bride to walk/dance upon so that she would know where to go. She stepped out with the whirlwind propelling her forward.

It was a processional, as she danced towards her bridegroom through the streets.  She began dancing down the streets of cities and towns where people were lining up on both sides to see her as she was lit upand put on displayand an awesome sight! In full wedding attire, she danced upon this red carpet as the spotlight was upon her. The whirling of the blades made the twirling and dancing effortless and accelerated her forward. She was radiant.

I then saw that the Bride had great laser-beams coming from her eyes and I asked the Lord what that was. I was shown big blobs moving in front of me and knew that these were white blood cells. I understood that these laser beams consisted of concentrated blood cells tightly packed together. The Lord said, "this is My Healing Light." The laser beams were shooting out of her eyes andhittingpeople. Anyone she looked at was hitby this laser beam and received instant revelation of Jesus Christ of was like bang, bang, bang, and down they went. As I watched this, I saw that this laser beam shot bloodonto the people's foreheads, and as they fell under the power of God, they received instant revelation of the true Christ and could see who Jesus Christ really was. This revelation manifested in joy, weeping and in healing as many people, especially children were flippingout of their wheelchairs. I saw mothers crying out and dancing for joy. I saw broken hearts mended, and captives set free. I saw hope come to the poor and relationships restored. There was freedom and brought a revolutionary change to the hearts of the people. The Bride just kept walking as people were crying out to Jesus Christ. They didn't need instruction on what was happening to them... they knew it was God.

I saw people of all nationalities and backgrounds lining up on the streets waiting for the Bride to come and they could hear the beating of the Father's heart through the atmosphere/ sound waves. More and more were coming. They didn't know why, but they were compelled, and when they saw the Bride, they were awestruck and were hit with the revelation of Jesus. The Bride never stopped to explain anything to these people, she just kept dancing and Jesus made Himself known to them.

I then saw the Bride looking up as she walked between buildings, and I recognized these to be great hospitals for children and I noticed that a red laser beam was coming out of the Bride's eyes now and it was like X-ray vision. The red laser beams reached through the brick and the mortar and the glass and reached the children inside these buildings and they were healed as they lay in their beds...and the Bride kept right on dancing. She went into places through the front door, and came out the backdoor. She went in and out of shops, upsetting items, tables, and things in those shops, and throughout the marketplace, and back into the streets. She held her right hand high and the sound waves were compelling many to line up and receive. They brought out their sick and their lame, and not one was left standing. They went down, bang, bang.I saw bubbles coming from her mouth and knew this was joy unspeakable and laughter. These bubbles were everywhere and falling onto the people and there was so much joy...

I saw there was thick gold lava coming off the back of the Bride's glass shoes behind her. People were slipping and sliding in this so that no one could stand, or stop her, or get near her, or walk beside her. I knew that this was the Glory of God.

Maggie Baratto 

Given in 2002